Minnehaha Repertory Orchestra is a non-profit organization and depends on the generous support of individuals, corporations and foundations. We are grateful for a partnership with the Edina Community Foundation which enables us to keep our operating and administrative costs to a minimum. All contributions are tax deductible, to the extent of the law.
Donate by Mail
Make check payable to Edina Community Foundation, and please write Minnehaha Repertory Orchestra on the note/for line.
Thank You to Our Contributors:
Thank You to Our Contributors:
Judy & Dennis Berkowitz
Marjory Black
Lisa Bormann & Franz Ulrich
David Braslau
Lesley & Stephen Brown
Julie & Karl Brusen
Laura & James Bryan
Canopy Financial Group
Cathy Chenette
& Mark Spoering
Anne Cheney
Bright Dornblaser
Peter Farrell
Robert Fried
Kathleen & Greg Good
Cheryl Gunness
& Lance Leupold
Thomas & Jennifer Halverson
Jeffrey Hernes
Karen A. Holmes
Nirmal & Anita Jain
Craig Randal Johnson
Luke Johnson
Lynn Johnson
Gilbert Kinnunen
Suzanne & Matthew Klein
Cindy & Tim Koeppl
Ann & Craig Lagorio
Barbara LaValleur
& Arnold Bigbee
Peggy Linrud
Kathleen & David MacLennan
Sanjeev & Vandana Mangalick
Janet & David Marple
Craig Marshall
Barbara Memory
Lisa & Clay Miller
Robert & Jane Oberrender
Jerry & Lisa O’Brien Family
Jeffrey Ohlmann
Victoria Penn
Meg & Tony Rodriguez
Hilary & David Santoni
Gerald & Judith Sorensen
Andrea Stern
Bob Stewart
The Toro Company,
Matching Gift
Jayne & Todd Tuttle
Mark Ulrich
Gina & Steve Vogt
Maxine H. Wallin
Amy & Alex Ware
Terri & Rob Webb
James Wotipka
Thank you to the Arts and Culture Commission of the City of Edina for its support